Help & Learning Centre

Corteva Product Comparison


The Corteva Product Comparison Insight is a quick and easy way to visualize local Corteva trials product comparisons. Use this tool to learn more about new and existing Pioneer® brand grain corn, silage corn and soybean products.

Comparisons and reports can be generated by Pioneer sales reps for your local area. Ask your Pioneer sales rep about it today.

Note: Product comparisons can be filtered by year (2020, 2021, 2022), irrigation type and radius from the midpoint of the operation’s fields. Once a primary product has been selected, available comparison products will appear. For a comparison to populate, there must be eligible trial data available for a minimum of 10 comparisons. 

Process - Pioneer Sales Reps

  1. Log in to Granular Insights for Canada at
  2. Select Insights on the left sidebar navigation menu.
  3. Select Corteva Product Comparison.
  4. Choose the crop type, year(s), irrigation type and radius.


  5. Enter a primary variety then select your comparison variety.
    Note: If you’re unable to find a comparison variety, try adjusting the Radius.
  6. The number of comparisons, percentage of comparison wins, yield advantage and moisture advantage will now display as part of the summary view.


  7. Hover over any individual trial in the summary view to see an in-depth breakdown of that trial.


  8. Select Generate Report to get a shareable PDF version of the product comparison. Once ready, the report can be accessed through the Reports tab.


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