Viewing my Fertilizer and Crop Protection Machine Data BETA
In Granular Insights on the web, you can view the application type, product, application rate and applied date for fertilizer and crop protection on the Activities and Analyze tabs. Application data reports can also be generated from these tabs.
Quickly view your data using the Fertilizer Application and Crop Protection Application map layers on the Map tab for any field where there is application data.
The fertilizer and crop protection application feature is currently in the BETA stage. If you are experiencing unexpected behavior, please contact support at 1-844-744-8534.
Process – Web
Activities and Analyze Tabs
1. Log in to Granular Insights at
2. Select the tab you wish to use to view your application data.
3. Select the year and crop with the information you want to view from the dropdown menus.
4. Apply any other filters, as desired, to drill down for a more personalized view of the data.
5. You will now see the data that you selected.
Note: If an application activity comes in to Granular Insights as unassigned, a crop will need to be assigned to it in order to be able to view it in Analyze.
Map Tab
1. Log in to Granular Insights at
2. In the Field List, select a field with application data that you would like to view.
3. In the year/crop dropdown menu, select the year/crop that you would like to view.
4. To the right of the year/crop dropdown menu, use the layer selector dropdown to pick the fertilizer or crop protection data map layer you would like to view.
5. Your field will now show the application layer that you've selected for the desired crop year. At any time, you can select a different map layer or crop year. Use the compare layers feature to compare different map layers or crop years, side by side.
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