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Supported Machine Data, File Types and Monitor Brands

Granular Insights supports seeding and harvest, fertilizer and crop protection machine data for alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, sorghum, soybean sunflower and wheat crops.

File Types Supported in Granular Insights

To successfully upload your monitor data in Insights, please ensure that your data is in a single .zip folder that is no larger than 10 GB. Your data files should be in the same file format and folder structure as they were when downloaded from your monitor. 

Monitor Brands Supported in Granular Insights

Granular Insights supports many different monitor brands:

AgLeader AgData AgLeader
AgLeader ILF AgLeader
AgLeader PFL AgLeader
AgLeader TGT AgLeader
AgLeader YLD AgLeader
AgView2 AgLeader
Claas ISOXML Claas
CNH Voyager CNH
CNH Voyager2 CNH
Deere APEX Deere
Deere Gen4 Deere
Deere GS2 Deere
Deere GS3 2630 Deere
Deere GSD Deere
Deere GSY Deere
Generic ISOXML Generic
Greentronics Greentronics
Krone ISOXML Krone
Loup Loup
MidTech2 MidTech2
Oxbo (Picker) Oxbo
Precision Planting 20/20 Precision Planting
Raven ADV Raven
Raven JDP/JDP.ZIP Raven
Raven RBIN2 Raven
SiteMate2 SiteMate2
Trimble AgData Trimble
Trimble ISOXML Trimble
Trimble Shapefile Trimble


Related Articles:

Manually Upload Machine Data

Monitor Folder Structure and File Types

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