Help & Learning Centre

November Release: New report, web and mobile features, and other enhancements

Farm & Field Proposal + other reporting enhancements

We’re continuing to enhance our reporting capabilities in Granular Insights by adding a new report, Farm & Field Proposal, as well as a “Generate Reports” window where you can quickly and easily select the report you’re looking for and preview other reports that will soon be available!  

With the new Farm & Field Proposal, you’ll have your field plan for the year in hand, so you know:

  • At the field-level:
    • which product is going on each field (and on how many acres)
    • the seed treatment suggested
    • the intended seeding rate
    • total units of product needed for each field
  • In total:
    • how many units of each product are needed
    • number of acres you’ve planned for across your operation, ensuring nothing is left out
  • A summary of the technology traits used across your operation, including:
    • acres covered by each trait
    • total units of each trait

To generate a report, simply navigate to the “Activities” tab and select the fields you’re interested in. Select “Generate Reports” and choose the report(s) you’d like to run.


View notes list at the operation & field level

Love how quick and easy it is to find, filter through, and view your notes from the mobile app? We’ve brought the same intuitive notes list feature over to the web application.

Instead of drilling down to the field and clicking through pins to find the correct note, you're now able to view your notes at an operation and field-level on the web. 

Find a list of all notes on your operation by going to the Map tab and clicking the new Notes tab at the top of your field list. Use the keyword search and field search filters to further refine your notes list and quickly find the note you’re looking for.


To quickly find a note on a specific field, select the field from your field list and scroll to the bottom of the field details information to see a list of your notes on that field. 


Quickly find the optimal seeding rate for Pioneer corn hybrids

Calculate the optimal seeding rate for Pioneer corn hybrids using the Granular Insights mobile app. Enter input costs, estimated grain prices and yield goals to calculate the seeding rate that maximizes gross income per acre.

We’ve streamlined the way we calculate boundary area

What’s changed? We’re now accounting better for the curvature of the earth’s surface. As you can imagine, this change is pretty minor - any change in boundary area for your fields will be minimal.


Related Articles:

How do I add a planting plan to my operation?

How do I view a list of all the notes on my operation?

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