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How do I generate Decision zones and multi-year yield analysis layers?


Decision zones allow for better input placement, lowering cost and improving productivity on every acre. They are a requirement for generating variable rate seeding (VRS) recommendations in Granular Insights. Decision zones are generated using multi-year yield analysis (MYYA) layers and irrigation layers (optional).

Decision zones can only be generated in Granular Insights on the web.



Creating Decision Zones

  1. Log in to Granular Insights for Canada at
  2. Navigate to the operation that you’d like to create decision zones and MYYA layers for.
  3. Click Activities on the left navigation menu. If the field doesn’t have a crop assigned to it, assign a crop, then click Decision Zones in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. On the Decision Zones screen you will see a list of all the fields on the operation and any existing decision zones for those fields. To create a new zone, click New Zones.
    • Note: If the New Zones button is greyed out, it is likely due to a missing crop assignment for the field. This can be assigned through the Activities tab.
  5. From the Zone Editor screen, you can add an irrigation layer (optional) and create MYYA. Select Create MYYA.
  6. To build MYYA, choose yield layers for at least three years (if possible) for best results. Analysis Parameters can be adjusted by changing the values for the different classification groups.
  7. Click  Process MYYA. Allow time for this layer to process. The newly created MYYA will appear under the Multi-Year Yield Analysis section of the zone editor and is selectable once processing is complete.
  8. Select the MYYA layer and click Generate Zones. Your zones and MYYA layer will now be visible on the Decision Zones page. To edit your yield goals or Decision Zone layers click3_Dots_Screenshot.pngunder the newly created zone.

Note: You may also create Decision Zones and MYYA layers through the VRS tab if you’ve already assigned a crop through Activities. By clicking on <No Zones Created> you will enter the Zone Editor screen and can proceed from Step 5.

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Getting Started: Variable Rate Seeding (VRS) and Decision Zones 

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