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Generating Decision Zones


Each field is broken into polygons or Decision Zones. The base level of Decision Zones starts with the proprietary Pioneer Environmental Response Units soils layer. Each zone is indexed relative to its soil productivity properties.

Your customized Decision Zones and their yield productivity indexes are greatly improved when you upload historical yield data. Historical data drastically improves your field nitrogen predictions and VRS recommendations.


There are two ways to get decision zones in Granular Insights, automatically generated zones and manually generated zones.


Automated Decision Zones

When a corn or soybean crop is assigned to a field, Granular Insights will automatically generate a decision zone for that field. The decision zones will be based on the layers of data available for the field at the time the crop was assigned. This could include soils/ERUs, multi-year yield analysis and irrigation.

Automated decision zones ensure that you have a decision zone available for your corn and soybean fields, incorporating the most recent and complete data available in Granular Insights. Learn more about Automated Decision Zones


Manual Decision Zones

You can customize your decision zones in Granular Insights by selecting specific data layers to include in your decision zone.

Process - Web

  1. Log into Granular Insights
  2. Select VRS on the left sidebar navigation menu.

  3. Select dropdown arrow under Decision Zone column.
  4. Select “Create New Decision Zones” to generate a new or edit to make modifications to an existing Decision Zones.
  5. Select Decision Zones button to add, edit, and delete Decision Zones (This button was previously on Activities dashboard)
    *Currently we do not have a bulk option to create Decision Zones for multiple fields at a time.

  6. Select map layers to build zones
      • Soil Layer ERU or SSURGO
      • Add/create irrigation
      • Add/create multi-year yield analysis (MYYA) Layer
      • Options for Polygon size (Please enter a value between 0 and 10).
  7. Select Generate Zones

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