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Generating, and edit Variable Rate Seeding (VRS) Recommendation


  • An active Granular Insights account 
  • Active fields and boundaries  
  • Crops, Decision Zones, Yield Goals, and Varieties added to fields 

Process - Web 

  1. Log into Granular Insights
  2. Select VRS on the left sidebar navigation menu


  3. Select Run VRS


  4. Applying recommendations for the Primary Varieties only, uncheck the box next to Include Backup Plans. 

  5. Excluding individual varieties in the recommendation can be done by unchecking the varieties you wish under Backup Plans 


  6. Select the checkbox in the top right corner next toCustomize seeding curves for irrigation” to include irrigation seeding curves.

  7. Confirm the seeding curve preferences for the varieties.
  8. Select Save




How to Edit VRS Recommendation

  1. Within the VRS section select the details dropdown in the far-right column.

  2. Select View Map.Recommendation_7.png
  3. When viewing the recommendations map, we can look at back up Varieties by clicking the dropdown under Variety Plans.                                                 Recommendation_8.png
  4. * Edit a zone’s rate for a variety, select the zone or select multiple zones that need adjusted.
  5. Once the zones are selected, we can adjust the seeding rate by the following.
    • Set to a specific rate
    • Adjust seeding rate by amount
    • Adjust seeding rate by percent
    • Adjust seeding to min and max rateRecommendation_9.png
  6. Select Save



Generating Variable Rate Seeding Recommendation Bulk

  1. Select fields under VRSRecommendation_10.png
  2. Select Run VRS in the bottom right corner.Recommendation_11.png
  3. Applying recommendations for the Primary Varieties only, uncheck the box next to Include Backup Plans                                                      Recommendation_12.png
  4. Excluding individual varieties in the recommendation can be done by unchecking the varieties you wish under Backup Plans. This will result in not running that variety across the selected fields.                                                                     Recommendation_13.png
  5. Select the checkbox in the top right corner “Customize Seeding curves for irrigation” to include irrigation seeding curves on varieties.
  6. Confirm the seeding curve preferences for the primary varieties and backup varieties 
  7. Select Save.


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