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Supporting Documentation and Evidence
FAQs about Supporting Documentation and Evidence
Reasons Why Events Require Documentation
Practice Change Event:
A grower needs supporting documentation to show that this change was made and that in the historical years of this event they were not doing this practice change.
Practice change will require a supporting doc for the year the change took place and all historical years that are required for that event. This applies to all practice changes a grower has selected and implemented.
Randomized Selection:
the system has randomly selected this event for supporting documentation. This is a low percentage of needed evidence for internal quality control.
Randomly selected events could be in the year of the practice change or a historical year. This will be separate from the practice change event.
Out of Range Event:
our system has flagged this event as out of range (this could be flagged by remote sensing or not a standard practice/date for your area) and we require a supporting document to prove this event. EX: wrong measurement for Nitrogen used, which could make this an extremely large amount.
What should I do if I'm being asked for evidence and supporting documentation?
Check your data to make sure it looks correct and that the event timeline is logical. Things to keep in mind:
Look for events that don't normally happen in the middle of a growing season and consider whether it actually occurred.
Careful not to copy your events to all years if you don't treat all crops in your rotation the same way (especially for fertilizer).
Make sure your events don't extend beyond harvest if it does not make sense for them to do so, such as irrigation.
Check for duplicate fertilizer events. These are considered cumulatively, so if you have a duplicate, it may flag as an unusually high fertilizer application. Similarly, make sure all planting events have a matching harvest event to
signify the break in crop years.
If your data all looks correct, go ahead and submit documentation that supports the data point in question.
What should I do if my evidence and supporting documentation do not pass review?
Check that the document data matches the event data entered in the account.
For example, if you entered a planting date of 5/1/2023 and your document shows planting date of 5/19/2023, this should be fixed.
Consider whether there is any context missing that the reviewer may need to understand your document.
A common example of this is an FSA 578 with multiple farm and tract numbers, but not clarifying which tract number the field in question is.
If the document needs some explanation (for example, abbreviations, mismatched field names, note style and system), please submit that in the notes with the document, which are visible to the reviewer.
All documents must be historical, meaning they must have been created around the time of the original event.
Documentation create retroactively cannot be used. This is checked by the created date if it is a Microsoft Office document. The exception to this is providing a report of data documented at the time of the event (for example, purchase history reports). If there are issues the the created date of the file, please clarify in your notes.
Make sure that the document contains the right information to support the event data in question.
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