Decision Zones: Importing Decision Zones into Granular Insights
Import decision zones from Field360 Studio to make it easier than ever to use custom zones for variable rate seeding recommendations in Granular Insights.
- Crops assigned to the field.
- Field360 Decision Zones created as a “standard” Decision Zone
- Created automatically after the crop zone was assigned or built from the Management Zone Wizard
Note: You can edit the layer with blocks or treatment areas, but the core ProductivityIndex, YieldTarget, and/or NCCPI attributes and their data need to remain “as is” for all polygons.
Process - Web
Export Decision Zones from Field360 Studio
- Right-click on the Encirca Decision Zone (EDZ) layer you want to export and select Export Layers.
- Select GeoJSON as the export file format. Select a location and choose a file name that includes the field name.
- This will help you keep track of each field’s file for the import.
- Currently, each field needs to be exported as its own file (one .geojson per field). There is no bulk export capability.
Importing Decision Zones into Granular Insights
- Select VRS on the left navigation panel.
- Select the Decision Zones button in the VRS workspace.
- Expand the zones list for the field you plan to import the Decision Zone to and select the Import Zones button.
- Navigate to the file for the field you saved from Field360 and select the file to import.
- Enter the zone name. Choose something that will be easy to remember and reference.
- Check the box next to “Set as Active Zones” to make this decision zone active for your field
- Click Import
A banner at the top of the page will show the progress of importing each zone.
- Zones set import is in progress.
- Zones set imported successfully.
Note: There is no boundary matching logic at this time, so you could import a decision zone that extends beyond the boundary of the designated field.
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