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Generating a Yield Estimate

Getting a yield estimate for your field has never been easier. Simply snap a photo of an ear of corn and let the tool do the work for you.

Process - Mobile

  1. Log in to the Granular Insights mobile app.
  2. From the Field List, select the field you wish to get the yield estimate for.
  3. Select the Add  Floating Add Symbol.png icon at the bottom right corner of your screen and tap Yield Estimate from the action menu.
  4. Drag the pin shown on the map to the exact place where you want to add the pin for the yield estimate and select Next. You can also select Use Current Location to mark the location for your estimate.
  5. Take a photo of your ear of corn. Camera access must be enabled for Granular Insights.
      • Use a single, clean ear of corn per ear capture
      • Center ear on screen
      • Ensure there is good lighting, with no shadows present

For best results, take at least three samples from various areas of the field, to a maximum of eight.

6. Once you have taken photos of all the ears of corn that you wanted to use for the estimate, select Run Estimate.

Note: The stand count and kernels per bushel values that best represent an average sample are used as the default values for the estimates. Once the estimate runs, you can change the results to values more representative for the field. Change the stand count and kernels per bushel before saving the estimate.

7. Select Save. Once saved, a yield estimate cannot be edited. It can only be deleted by selecting the kabob 3 Dots.pngicon and then selecting Delete.

Yield Estimate Creation Video (EN).gif


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