Help & Learning Center

How do I change my operation name?


Update your Operation Settings to change the name of your operation.  


  • An active Granular Insights account.
  • Active internet or cellular data connection.
  • Must have admin or advisor-level access to an operation. 

Web - Process

  1. Log in to Granular Insights.
  2. Click on Operation SettingsScreen_Shot_2019-01-22_at_8.31.28_AM.pngin the bottom left corner.
  3. Click on Other Settings. Under Overview, enter the new operation name.
  4. Click Save when finished.

Mobile - Process

  1. Log in to the Granular Insights mobile app.
  2. Open the navigation menu Screen_Shot_2021-03-10_at_8.58.59_AM.png and click Settings.
  3. Click on the operation name and make any changes to the name of your operation. 
  4. Click Save.


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