How do I use the imagery timeline?
Navigate through a timeline to easily view cloud coverage imagery over your fields
- An active Granular Insights account
- Active internet connection
Web - Process
- Navigate to your Granular Insights account and login
- Click on a field name on the left side of your screen or by zooming in on your map
- Scroll along the timeline and click any date to view images for the days displayed
- Utilize the Jump To drop down menu to quickly move to a specific period of time
- Check the box on the timeline to display cloud free days only
Mobile - Process
- Log into your Granular Insights App.
- Click on a field name in the list that is displayed right away.
- On the map page, your field will default to the boundary layer.
- Towards the bottom of the screen, click on
- This will bring you to the option of selecting True Color Satellite or Vegetation Index (Only these two options will give you the option for an imagery timeline)
- After making your selection, back down at towards the bottom of the page again, click on the calendar icon .
- This will now display the dates where images are present.
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