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October 2021 | Release Notes

Ready to take your post-harvest analysis to the next level? We’re beefing up our analysis capabilities over the next several months, and are excited to share how you’re now able to dig deeper into your harvest data.

A granular approach to post-harvest analysis

Once that yield data rolls in from the monitor, you’re now able to take a closer look at how different areas of a field are performing. Regardless of whether you’re looking to understand if fungicide application was worth it, if this seed performs better on that soil type, or if your seeding rate needs to be adjusted differently on those dryland corners, you’re now able to get to that level of analysis in Granular Insights.  


Simply select the map layer you’re interested in and the section of the field you want to dig into, and view a detailed summary for that specific part of the field in the left panel

With the launch of this new tool, we’re excited to bring you:

  • The ability to use different drawing tools to select a number of subfield regions on a field and generate summative analysis of those selected areas
  • The ability to analyze layers on a variety of map layers, including planting, harvest, soil, True Color (area only), and Vegetation Index (area only) 
  • By selecting a problem area in a field, you’re able to view the associated acreage and area - a great way to gauge the potential impact of in-field issues. 

Print and share maps with members of your team to evaluate field performance

No more command+p or print screen - you’re now able to print field maps you want to share with your team of stakeholders directly from Granular Insights. 

Great for:

  • Sharing yield and field performance with stakeholders outside of your operation
  • Using in the cab for a quick view of what was planted and where
  • Keeping a hard copy record of your subfield analysis

 Things to note:

  • The ability to print is available on the “Map” tab from the Granular Insights web application.
  • Ability to print maps is available for an individual field and map layer at this time.
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