Getting Started: Indicating Practice Changes
Step 1: On the Carbon Summary page, locate any fields that show a yellow Practice Change Needed flag next to them. Click Identify Practices.

Step 2: Your field list will be located on the left hand side of the page. You are free to toggle between fields during this step.

Step 3: You can few more details about each practice change by clicking the Show Qualifying Changes button next to each practice.

Step 4: Check the box next to the year to assign that practice change to your field.
You can now continue to toggle between fields and assign your practice changes.

Step 5: Use the Copy to Other Fields tool when you want to copy that specific practice change combination to other fields enrolled int he program.

Step 6: When you are finished identifying practice changes, click Save * Updated Field(s) in the lower right hand corner.
*The number of fields will change depending on how many fields were updated since last saving. If everything is up to date, the Save Updated Field(s) button will be grayed out.

Step 7: When you are finished and all updates have been saved, return to the Carbon Summary page by clicking Back to Carbon Summary in the upper left hand corner or the Carbon tab.

Questions about Entering Practice Changes? Here are some FAQs about Practice Changes:
What practice changes qualify?
Why do I need to have a practice change?
Since when and by when can I adopt a new sustainable practice to be eligible for the program?
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