Why does my field say "Boundary Review Needed"?
On the Carbon Summary page, any field with a red banner saying Boundary Review Needed will need one or more of the following error messages resolved.
- Land Type
- Histosols
- Federal Lands
- Highly Erodible Lands
- Wetlands
- Overlapping Fields
- Duplicate Fields
- Land Conversion
Listed below are details for each of the error messages and how to resolve them. If you have any concerns about accuracy of the boundary reviews we are requesting, please contact your Carbon Customer Success Manager.
Note: Just because you have boundaries that need to be reviewed, does not mean they will need to be unenrolled.
Land Type
Description: There may be non-cropland objects included in your boundary including buildings, roads, waterways, rivers, forests, etc.
Action required: You will need to edit your boundary shape.
How to resolve: Use the Edit Field action to make adjustments excluding objects like buildings, roads, waterways, etc. For help using the Boundary edit tools, click here.

Histosols & Federal Lands
Description: This boundary contains an ineligible soil type called histosols or federal property such as land in National Parks or Bureau of Land Management.
Action required: You will need to accept the suggested boundary we provide.
How to resolve: We have auto-generated a new boundary excluding the unqualified areas of the field. All you need to do is accept the changes. If your entire boundary is included in the ineligible area, you will be asked to unenroll the field.

Highly Erodible Lands & Wetlands
Description: This boundary contains land that is classified as highly erodible or wetlands.
Action required: You may need to provide evidence at a later date to show that your field had an exemption and was allowed to grow cash crops.
How to resolve: We need you to confirm you have federal crop insurance or an AD-1026 form. To confirm, return to the Eligibility Questions page and answer Yes to the Highly Erodible Land or Wetlands question in the Conservation Compliance section.
If this can not be confirmed, your field is not eligible for our program at this time and should be unenrolled.

Overlapping Fields
Description: Your field's boundary is overlapping another enrolled field in your operation.
Action required: You will need to select which field should take on the overlapping area.
How to resolve: Select the box next to the field you want to the overlapping area to to belong to and click Update Boundary.

Duplicate Fields
Description: Your field's boundary is overlapping or covering the same area of another enrolled field in your operation.
Action required: You will need to unenroll one of the two fields from the Carbon program.
How to resolve: Select the box next to the field you want to keep enrolled and click OK. The field not selected, will be unenrolled.

Land Conversion
Description: Our records show that your field has not been in row-crop production for the last 10 years. In order for the field to be eligible, it can not have been cleared of native vegetation within that time frame.
Action required: You are required to provide evidence that the field has been in production for the last 10 years.
How to resolve: Check the box to agree to provide documentation that the field has been in production for 10 year. If the field has been in production for less than 10 years, unenroll the field.

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